Corporate Responsibility


TEK Utilities is in the process of becoming B Corp Certified. Please read the below information about B Corps and check back on our progress!

Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. B Corps are accelerating a global culture shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.


How we give

Our focus is on giving back to those charitable groups that our clients and associates find most important, especially local charities. We do this by matching donations and giving directly to non-profit clients. Any remaining amounts are given to charities benefitting children.

What we give

TEK Utilities is committed to donating 10% of our net income to approved charitable groups on annual basis.

Why we give

Corporate Responsibility was a key focus on founding TEK Utilities and will always be considered a responsibility at our company. Since we focus on providing services to our clients that are not readily useful in a charitable sense, our focus in on giving financial assistance to charitable groups.

Work to live

Our culture starts and ends with our “Work to Live” mentality. Most of us have to work, but that doesn’t mean it has to be an impediment to living our lives or that our lives need to revolve around work. TEK Utilities prides itself on our work culture that we have created allowing people’s lives to come first. With the freedom and mobility to work from home or at an office we want our staff to feel comfortable wherever they work.

With our flexible schedules, people can build their work around their lives, and not just daily or weekly flexible hours, flexibility based on time of year or where you’re at in life. If you want to spend more time with your kids during summer break or have a season where you’re busy with volunteering or another activity, we are happy to accommodate you. And the reality is that people go through different phases in their life and how much effort they want or need to put into their careers. Early in your career with no outside responsibilities and want to really dive in and propel yourself above your peers? We will gladly work with you on that. Or at a time with small kids at home with way too much to get everything done in a day while working 8 hours? We are happy to work with that, too. It’s your career and you should be responsible for how you want to progress through it so you don’t miss out on what’s really important in life.

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