Green Energy

What is carbon emission

Greenhouse gases trap heat and make the planet warmer. Human activities are responsible for almost all of the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the last 150 years. The largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities in the United States is from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation.

Since 1990, gross U.S. greenhouse gas emissions have increased by 3.7 percent. From year to year, emissions can rise and fall due to changes in the economy, the price of fuel, and other factors. In 2018, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions increased compared to 2017 levels. The increase in CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion was a result of multiple factors, including increased energy use due to greater heating and cooling needs due to a colder winter and hotter summer in 2018 compared to 2017.

What is Green energy

Purchasing “Green Energy” can be done in various ways. For a direct benefit, you need to install green generation at your location, such as solar panels or wind turbines. While many are doing this, it isn’t the best option for others based on various factors, but everyone can help support the environment by purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) which financially benefit renewable resources. When buying RECs, you are helping the environment by pushing the industry to focus more on renewable resources as we build new generation which reduces overall carbon emission.

What can
we do?

Buy Green Energy by utilizing RECs

There are many options to choose from generic Green RECs to solar and wind. You can choose which generation source you would like to support.
You can choose at what level you would like to support each with varying percentages of your usage supporting RECs.

Install on-site renewable generation

Power from solar panels or wind turbines can be directly used by your business.

Utilize Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

Large users are able to utilize the excess heat and converting it to thermal energy to create steam or hot water, which provides increased efficiency.