Our Story

How we got here

TEK was founded with the ideal of doing business better. We focus on providing the best working experience for our associates and highest level of service to our clients while being cognizant and careful to always consider all those involved in all our decisions. No matter what, our motto is “do the next right thing” for everyone involved.


Core Values


Our business is based on relationships and the most important aspect of any relationship is trust. Our first rule is always “Do the right thing” and this must be applied in every decision that our company and our people make.


Our main operational focus is on making the process as fast and easy as possible for our clients and associates. Our simplified process lets our clients focus on their core business and our associates focus on taking care of our clients.


This is our competitive advantage. Managed by industry experts, we provide the best training program and ongoing insight into the energy industry, giving our people the most important information that they are able to share with our clients to provide the most value to our clients.

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